Why we Invested in Two Point O CapitalThe micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector is a vital driver of India’s economic growth, accounting for 30% of the country’s…Nov 12Nov 12
Why we Invested in Sid’s FarmIndia is the largest milk producer, accounting for almost a quarter of the world’s annual production. Milk is deeply intertwined with the…Aug 1Aug 1
Why we Invested in Optimo LoanIndia’s goal to reach a USD 10 trillion-dollar economy by 2032 hinges on the growth of the MSME sector. However, MSMEs face a massive…Apr 29Apr 29
Omnivore Farm Logs | Why we Invested in FinhaatHistorically, the insurance sector in India has struggled to scale, remaining far below its potential. Insurance penetration was at 4.2% of…Mar 11Mar 11
Why we Invested in FibmoldCurbing the production of single-use plastic is a global challenge. With only 9% of plastic waste globally recycled and the rest in…Jan 9Jan 9
Why we Invested in altMThis is the first investment from the Omnivore Agritech & Climate Sustainability Fund.Oct 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023
A Hard look at Crop Health ManagementWhat are the connected challenges beyond better inputs, smart irrigation, and going organic?Jul 12, 2023Jul 12, 2023
Omnivore Announces First Close of Third Fund At $150 MillionWe are pleased to announce the first close of our third fund at $ 150 million. The Omnivore Agritech & Climate Sustainability Fund, which…Jun 28, 2023Jun 28, 2023
Indian Agriculture and the Era of AIStepping into the future with Niqo Robotics’ AI-Driven Precision FarmtechApr 30, 2023Apr 30, 2023
eFeed, Omnivore’s third investment under OmniX BioeFeed is an animal nutrition and health startup manufacturing innovative products for livestock.Jan 25, 2023Jan 25, 2023